Monday, June 25, 2007

#5 & #6: Exploring Flickr & Mashups

Alright, so I finally got back around to working on my 23 things. I've done a lot of reading up on Flickr, it seems pretty neat, pretty easy. I've gone and created an account for myself. I've been doing some searching on one of my favorite topics, Disney World. There are some really awesome pictures out there.

Also, I love the different mashup tools that are out there, especially the Trip Planner one I saw. You can geotag your pics, include maps etc. Now that's one way to record a vacation. How cool is that?

Anyway, I chose to blog about this picture of Epcot that I found. Click on this link to take a look at it

The coloring is wonderful, this person is obviously very adept at using their digital camera. And believe it or not there is a lot of discussion out there over whether or not the wand should come down from the SpaceShip Earth ride. That's the gigantic ball for those of you who are unfamiliar with Epcot. The wand was put up for the celebration of 100 Years of Magic, that was back in 2002. It is still up, some people love it, others who are more purist in nature would like to see the ride go back to the way it was. Just some interesting trivia there for you guys!

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