Tuesday, July 31, 2007

#19 Award Winning Sites

Alright, for those of you who know me, you could probably guess that I would have tried the games section. I mean, c'mon, it's me we're talking about. Anyway, I wasn't in a serious mood today, so gaming it was. I tried the Guess-the-Google site.

It's a game that shows you a montage of images and you have to guess the keyword search that would have produced those results. The kicker is you have 20 seconds to do that. I found it easy sometimes, but very challenging otherwise. Does this have library applications? Yes, I think it does. It could be put under the games section of TeenZone. It could even be used in a class that teaches about Google. It might make the audience think about their keywords a little more with some prompting. Beyond that, no, it doesn't have much library appeal. But, like I said, I wasn't in a serious mood today. The site was also very visually pleasing, just as a side note. Try it if you get bored.

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