Tuesday, July 3, 2007

#8 Bloglines & RSS Feeds

Well, I'm definitely not a newcomer to the world of RSS Feeds. I usually use the live feeds function for Mozilla Firefox. It put the feed right up at the top of your browser and you can click on it and it will drop down the last 10 or so items that have been posted. I also have a "My Yahoo" page that I've used for bringing all of my feeds together. Personally I love the fact that I can bring everything together and see it all at once, it saves time.

I do think that Bloglines is actually a bit easier to use and since it is well supported subscribing is very easy! I've added 12 feeds to my page so far, perhaps I will do more in the future. I've got a wide range of things, from library related, to Disney, to a comic I like (Dungeons and Dragons related).

All in all, this was a very easy exercise. I've been trying to find the tab that says "share" but I can't seem to locate, so I might just have to work on the public part a little later.

I wish that HCPL was using RSS feeds. It would make it so easy for people to subscribe to different areas of the website and receive updates. I mean, just think of all those DVD lovers who could subscribe to a feed for the new movies that are coming in. Or what about all of our fiction lovers who could subscribe to different fiction feeds and receive updates! RSS Feeds would be wonderful and helpful for the library. People would be automatically updated and kept happy! Our programming could also be provided to people through a feed!

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